1. To my brothers and brother Danny, never underestimate the impact that you all have in rightly dividing the word of Truth. You never know what people are facing even though we may be in the truth and understanding that we are the Israel of God and yet God uses the priest to minister to many that are going through. I was so blessed by the message of putting man in the place of God that it was unreal. I woke up and saw podbean and I downloaded it and it was just what I needed to hear from the most high. I know it was ordained of the Father that I hear this message that you Brothers shared. This is happening in multiple camps around the world…oh how we needed to hear this message. God bless you my brothers much love and prayers to the house of Jacob and the Israel of God and all those that love and are seeking theTruth!

    • Vilgil

      Thank you for your message expressing your gratitude for your brothers and brother Danny’s teachings. It is wonderful to hear about the impact that their message had on you and others around the world. We are glad that the message of putting man in the place of God resonated with you and provided the guidance you needed. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for seeking the truth.

      Best regards,

      The House of Jacob Bible Study Class

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